Abortion is defined as
the termination of pregnancy before its complete term. There are divergent
views on this issue and it is considered highly volatile. Proponents of
abortion write essays on abortion pro-choice in a bid to convince people to
maintain an open mind when approaching the subject. Essays on abortion pros and
cons on the other hand have to analyze both the views of opponents and
proponents of abortion.
of abortion
Like any other issue
abortion has its own advantages. Pro-choice supporters view abortion as
advantageous because it allows women to exercise the right to choose whether
they are ready for a baby. If a woman feels that she is unstable emotionally,
financially and psychologically then she can opt to terminate the baby. This helps
in controlling population and reducing the number of broken homes.
Additionally, pro-choice
supporters argue in favor of abortion because it helps rape victims get rid of
a pregnancy that will be a constant reminder of a traumatic experience. Where
complications that jeopardize a woman’s health arise during pregnancy, abortion
is a viable option in saving her life.
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of abortion
On the other end of the
story abortion is regarded with much intolerance by pro-life. This school of
thought considers the methods of abortion crude, cruel and inhumane. Since for
the opponents of abortion life begins at conception, they state that the fetus
has all the needed senses to feel the pain as it is being killed. It is also against most religious and
societal norms and is shunned in almost all communities.
Moreover, abortion has
been linked to several health complications such as hemorrhage, depression,
infertility, ectopic pregnancies and even death. Statistics also show that
abortion has a negative impact on male partners of women who undergo the
If legalized, opponents
of abortion say that it will encourage promiscuity. Women will sleep around
knowing well that they can terminate a pregnancy from any public health
facility. This will lead to further moral decay in society.
Students who have to write
essays on abortion pros and cons are supposed to explore both views when
tackling the dynamics of abortion. They are also allowed to give their stance
at the end of it all. If you are handling essays on abortion pro-choice only then
you will speak mainly about abortionists and why they support the cause. Where
you have problems dealing with essays on abortion pros and cons or even essays
on abortion pro-choice then you should contact our professional writers for
customized assistance.
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